Hi! Thanks for taking the time to read a little about me. I strongly feel that it’s important to know your agent on a personal level so here’s some information and background about me. 

I have a degree in Psychology which helped to develop my analytical skills, which comes in very handy for valuations. All valuations I provide are based on evidence and data - both were essential during my research and dissertation!

Property transactions are  emotional, sentimental or strictly business. My education in Psychology has helped me to figure out what drives each of my clients. Ask any of my clients and they’ll tell you I ask a lot of questions during our first few conversations and that’s because I genuinely want to know what drives and motivates you, and I can then adapt my approach and service to suit your requirements.

I initially studied Psychology to understand people better. What makes them tick, what decisions are based on, why we like certain things and dislike other things. You may be wondering what this has to do with my career as an estate agent. My response would be - a lot!

I see myself as a consultant rather than an agent. That’s why if you receive an email from me, my title says ‘Property Consultant’. Not sales negotiator, lettings negotiator or anything else very sales-y.

I have spent the last 13 years in the residential property industry and I have developed a reputation as a trustworthy, hardworking and reliable person. Check out some of the reviews by my clients by clicking here.

The property industry has gradually changed in terms of clients decision making. Not too long ago, landlords and sellers used to flock to the large, corporate agents purely based on branding. The internet and social media has completely changed the face of the industry. Now more than ever, it’s about the individual agent.

Things that stand out to me are the following:

- on average, people move every 5 years. If I’ve sold you a property or sold your property, I will do my best to make sure you had a good experience with me. When you are ready for your next move, I’d love to be your agent  

- your managing agent is part of your life whether you like it or not! Choose the right one that you trust.

My motivation is my family. That’s why I’ve named the company after them. The vision is to create a legacy that they can all be proud of and benefit from.

A large part of my personality has been shaped by my son who is autistic. For those who don’t know what autism is, please click here. A parent of an autistic child is extremely empathetic - something which puts me ahead of the competition purely based on the extra care I put in to my work.

To summarise; if you’re looking for an agent who truly cares about you and your goals, I’m your man. I believe my academic career and my personal life has paved the way for me to succeed in this industry.

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